Rural AIDS Action Network (RAAN)

300 East St. Germain Street, Suite 220 St. Cloud, Minnesota, 56304

320-257-3036Website Link


Rural AIDS Action Network leads rural Minnesota in the fight to stop HIV through a broad array of client services, risk reduction, advocacy and awareness. In its 21 years of service, RAAN has served over 10,000 individuals. RAAN’s experienced staff provide the following programs and services to clients in 80 counties outside of the Twin Cities metro area:

Statewide Community-based Organizations As a part of the State Targeted Response (STR) Grants through Department of Human Services (DHS), organizations were awarded funds to provide Naloxone overdose training and kits free of charge. The following community-based organizations provide naloxone training and kits free of charge: Rural AIDS Action Network (RAAN) - Call 320-257-3036.