Positive Health Project

301 West 37th Street, 2nd Floor New York, New York, 10018

212?465?8304Website Link


Positive Health Project provides range of services for drug users, including syringe exchange, health education, overdose prevention, case management, and benefits counseling. PHP offers a save and welcoming space that serves all without judgement. It’s also the home of the Re-charge Program – a joint initiative with GMHC that offers customized harm-reduction services for LGBTQ individuals who use crystal meth, include drop-in groups and medical care.

How to get a free kit: Contact any of these community-based programs Contact Person: Alex Erickson and Mario Vergara Phone #: 212?465?8304 ext 443 Email: a.erickson@housingworks.org & m.vergara@housingwors.org