Asian American Drug Abuse Program (AADAP)

4920 Avalon Blvd Los Angeles, California, 90011

323-293-6284Website Link


From Intensive Outpatient Treatment (IOT) to Medications for Addiction Treatment (MAT) Since 1972, the Asian American Drug Abuse Program, Inc. (AADAP) has been providing quality, affordable drug and alcohol treatment services in Los Angeles. AADAP is licensed in the State of California and has a behaviorial health accreditation from CARF International.

Harm Reduction Supply Access Points as June 15, 2023 Address Notes: White supply van in parking lot of BAART Southeast clinic Days: Thursday / Hours: 9:00 am - 11:00 am Type of Supplies: Naloxone, & Supplies for Safer Smoking and Safer Injection Kits.