Strength In Peers

917 N Main Street Suite 1 Harrisonburg, Virginia, 22802

540-217-0869Website Link


Strength In Peers’ Comprehensive Harm Reduction Program is authorized by the Virginia Commissioner of Health pursuant to Virginia code §32.1-45.4. Participants enrolled in our needle exchange services are protected from criminal prosecution for paraphernalia for sterile and used needles/syringes obtained from the program. Participants receive a laminated card with a unique ID to evidence their participation in our Harm Reduction program.

Our Services: Provision of sterile needles, syringes, and supplies. Disposal of used needles and syringes using a professional sharps disposal company. Education regarding substance use recovery. Referrals and assistance connecting to substance use and mental health recovery services. Education regarding overdose prevention. Overdose prevention kits that include Naloxone. Education regarding the prevention of HIV, Hepatitis and other blood-borne diseases. On-site HIV and Hepatitis C Rapid testing. Referrals to medical care and treatment for HIV, Hepatitis, STI, and common complications of injecting. Condom distribution. Community resource guide and referral to other community services and resources. Assistance applying for health insurance and public benefits. Peer support from a specialist in long-term, active recovery. Our program is FREE, confidential and non-judgmental. Contact us to schedule an appointment at 540-217-0869.